Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Hello again !!

The days are ticking away and  I have much to get done. I am running way behind with my Christmas list!!
Have yet to purchase the first gift for anyone. And a cash cards seem like the lazy way out! However there are many who will end up with one from Hubby and Me
I did get the chance to sew a little yesterday. Made a couple of Mug Rugs, nothing to brag about. I plan to send these to my Granddaughter for her to use a small gifts to whomever she wants. She is a very giving child and is always thinking of others before herself.  She made a statement to me a few months back, that was well beyond her years. " I am just a giving soul". Not many kids would  say that !! For most it is all about the ,Me, Me, Me concept. I am very proud of her.

We are in a cold snap this morning. School's are closed again today. I'm sure many parents are about the pull
their hair out. Oh I remember those days.

May you have a wonderful day!!
Till next time..............


StitchinByTheLake said...

Roma I'm not nearly ready for Christmas either! My son and his family come a week early too so I have to get rolling! blessings, marlene

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Roma - I have been sewing for my MOM who is rather behind. I have a few gift cards to get, but they are from a grocery store - that's what they wanted. TOday's economy has changed somes needs. We are cold too and luckily missed the heavy snowfall they predicted. Stay warm my dear.