Saturday, June 4, 2011

My complaint of the day!!

After reading" Wilmas World"blog today I have to chime in on what she posted.
All too many blogs have gone commercial!! And this turns me off real quick.

We all know about moda fabrics, the go cutters, and the latest and greatest of what ever is out there.
Yippie Skippy- to them that have the big bucks to own one of every new item out there!!  I don't and probably never will.. And this is fine with me.  Maybe the word blog should be changed to :Brag-a-lot!!

Off my soap box now.. But if you feel this way, post it in your words on your blog.

till next time...............


quilter000 said...

I can see it too, and will still shop local when possible.
I am sure they will begin to see it soon people get tired signing up and posting and signing for another than back too much not worth it as it seems they give the prizes to the inner circle friends with different blogs and names off my Soap box now too. Patty

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Unfortunately when a blogger takes on a sponsor - part of it is promoting their 'wares'. They become a billboard - the creativity is gone. It's like a bad TV station - if you don't like it - you switch channels or turn it off.

Wilma Lee said...

Well, you know I agree, lol.