Well summer is about gone, and it was spring when I last made a post.
Life happens around here in more ways than one.
I have had many life changes since May. My hubby is now retired. So we are together more than we are used to. He was a heavy equipment field service tech for over 40 years!!! This type of work wrecks havoc on your body on a daily basis. What a guy!!
Love him dearly and want him around for a long time.
My son Billy went to Alaska to work on a house. He returned yesterday. Here is a photo of him in the woods. Click on the photo to make it larger. He was asked to return there next year. So I guess he will do that.
My daughter Lori is now with us as well. Things are tight to say the least. But she hopes to be in her own place before much longer. She has a job and her work days have been increased. So life is good for her.
I am recovering from working at my local guilds' quilt show last week end. What a mass of people we had. Over 1,200 on Friday alone. I was the admissions chairman.
And have been asked to do it again next year, I told the chairman I would have to think it over.
I have many quilting projects I am way behind on. And some need to be finished NOW~~
but it won't happen today.
Hope all is well in your part of the world..
Till next time-----------